How to Choose the Best IVF Doctor in Abu Dhabi?

If the subsequent stage in your trip to get pregnant is to search for a fertility center, it pays to do a little analysis first. There are loads of justifications for why a fertility center is a decent decision. However, let us discuss a real life scenario to prove why you need a best IVF doctor in Abu Dhabi or anywhere else before moving on to how to choose one.
Supposedly let say you as a woman is experiencing difficulty getting pregnant, and your gynecologist has guided you well while telling to go through a few essential tests. In this case, expect a blood test for hormones while simultaneously recording your basal temperature of the body for months to come. Other than that you have to also go through a sonohysterography or hysterosalpingogram (HSG) in addition to an ultrasound.
At the same time, your spouse is being evaluated by an urologist. This is when you wished there was a single expert or specialist to see you both and can help with what needs to be done. That is where an infertility doctor steps in.
IVF Doctor should know when it’s Really Required
The best IVF doctor in Abu Dhabi knows precisely when it is time to consult an IVF treatment and those situations are:
- A woman who has went through a number of miscarriages
- A woman whose age is below 35 yet haven’t become pregnant even after 24 months of constant trying
- A woman whose age is above 35 yet haven’t become pregnant even after 6 months of constant trying
- Man who’s semen analysis has turned out to be poor
IVF Doctor should understand you better than Yourself
Before you begin on your quest for the best IVF doctor in Abu Dhabi or elsewhere, figure out what sort of tests or methodology you might require that are not going too far off. Do consider how far the doctor is willing to go with you through this whole interaction. Infertility treatment is no joke as medicines cost big time and they constitute extremely strong hormones or drugs.
There is no denial that it can be one hell of an emotional roller coaster ride that a doctor must be capable of handling well. If an IVF expert is practical and not emotional then it can make it all the more difficult for a couple to handle things. Not just you but even the specialist should be well aware of your strengths and weaknesses in order to hold you back from shocks with sorrow during failures or overwhelmed with joy during successes.
Do Intense Research before Shortlisting an IVF Doctor
Before picking an infertility clinic, do an exhaustive research to understand who might possibly be the best IVF doctor in Abu Dhabi for you sufficing all the criteria. The easiest way to do so is Googling a list of doctors and then finding all the information you can about each doctor from social media or their own website. You can also go traditionally by sitting down with a telephone directory, jotting down the possible options, and giving them a call to inquire or even fix an appointment for consultation.
Some Basic Questions to Ask to an IVF Doctor
Even if the facility looks great with exceptional staff, state of the art infrastructure, or clean and hygienic premises, throw these questions to understand whether the presumed best IVF doctor in Abu Dhabi is an ideal choice for you or not:
- How long the professional have been doing this?
- Which techniques are being used and how frequently?
- What does the professional know about the age limits?
- How much will the entire IVF treatment cost?
If an IVF doctor or the staff is excessively occupied to address your concerns, attempt somewhere else. It shows they are not emotional and enthusiastic enough to take up your case.