Fertility Diet

If you’re trying for pregnancy, it is always advised by family members and friends to increase your nutrition through the foods you are eating.

Studies have confirmed that foods high in unsaturated fat such as whole grains, vegetables, and fish are associated with improved fertility (particularly in females); they can also help you get off to a healthy start in pregnancy.

Although there are no magic foods to get pregnant, one simple change of balanced diet can support your fertility.

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    Fruits and vegetables:

    These are the abundant source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

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    Complex carbs:

    Complex carbs are preferred because they are digested slowly and release sugar gradually which liberates the insulin consistent. They keep you full for more time and maintain healthy sugar throughout.

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    Healthy, plant-based fats in moderation are vital part of any balanced diet. Nuts, avocados, olive oil, and grapeseed oil which are high in unsaturated fat contents can help reduce the inflammation in the body, which makes the ovulation regular and improve overall female fertility. Also, unsaturated fats decrease insulin resistance hence help in regularization of menstrual cycles.

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    Lentils, beans, seeds and legumes, chickpeas are vegetable source of proteins and are recommended for improvement of fertility. Animal source of proteins (chicken, meat, fish) are associated with 39% higher risk of ovulatory disorder.

Foods/supplements to avoid while trying for pregnancy:

Dairy products: cut down on dairy if you are taking excessive amount of it as these products can disrupt hormone balance in body.

Alcohol-has overall bad effects on general health.

Caffeine-excessive intake of caffeine can affect the sperm count and motility.

Sugary drinks and processed sweeteners-cola drinks and frizzy drinks have excessive sugar amount which is harmful for overall health.

Protein shakes or steroid supplements or testosterone supplements: they can affect the sperm motility and sperm count hence decrease the chance of natural conception.

Frozen foods or excessively processed food: avoid these type of food as they are overall harmful for health of eggs and sperms. Freshly made food is always preferable to maintain overall health.

Suggestions for successful fertility diet:

  • 01Choose fresh and whole food over processed food
  • 02Take your vitamins-folic acid 400mcg before conception
  • 03Mix your plate with combination of complex carbs, proteins, unsaturated fats, and minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
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