Fertility Supplements

In general, prenatal vitamins are advised to start 2-3 months before the trying for pregnancy.

The best way to improve fertility is by nutrition and to consume lots of fruits and vegetables and well-balanced diet.

Vitamin d deficiency is usually seen in reproductive age group females and associated with poor quality of eggs and hormonal imbalance. Vitamin D supplements are recommended if it is low.

For women preferring vegetarian or vegan diet are deficient in Vitamin B complex, which affect overall health of women. Vitamin b complex supplements are essential for such group of women.

Folic acid (400 mcg) is essential for initial 3 months of pregnancy, so it is ideal to start folic acid 3 months before conception.

Iron deficiency anemia is very common in reproductive age women, so it is advisable to check hemoglobin and iron deficiency before start trying for pregnancy. If anemia is found, then iron supplements are started before unprotected intercourse to improve overall health of women.

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