
Acupuncture is a part of functional medicine where sterile acupuncture needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points to reduce severity or treat certain conditions.

Needles used to stimulate certain points which release substances called neurotransmitters. They either activate or inhibit the nerve signals in central nervous system which regulates female reproductive hormones. By increasing the blood supply, it improves the egg quality. It helps in embryo implantation by increasing blood supply to uterus and improve immune response in the endometrium which increases implantation rate. It decreases overall anxiety and stress.

Success rate is unclear, but it is proven in many studies that acupuncture has a role in improving fertility in men and women both. It increases the sperm count and motility in men. It balances the endocrine system in females and hence enhances the ovarian functions and overall quality of eggs. It also release the good fuel from brain called the endorphins and it allows person to feel happy and peaceful overall by reducing stress and anxiety.

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